Personal Chef and Catering Services

How it works

  • Choose a date

    Select the date you would like Chef to come to your home for a personal chef experience or when you would like an event catered. If you would like to reserve a week day, please email so this request can be accommodated.

  • Food Selection

    Select the menu that you would like served during your chef night or catered special event. All menu options are fully customizable. If you would like something that is not listed please contact. Versatility is our specialty!

  • Enjoy

    Relax and enjoy the food that was prepared for your special day without having to worry about the cooking or clean up!

We offer table settings for private dinners that will be provided by us on the day of your event. When booking, please let us know if you would like a table setting.

“People who love to eat are always the best people.”

– Julia Child